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Logan Elm Local School District News Article

Student Parking and Drop Off

NEW Procedures

We would like to inform you of changes to our parking and drop-off locations for this school year:
  • Parking and Drop-Off: All student parking and drop-offs must now be directed to the front of the building. The Event Center doors will be locked in the morning, and students will not be permitted to enter through the Event Center. Students arriving after the school day has begun must enter through the front doors and report to the main office.
  • Traffic Flow: Please see the right image below to understand the flow in the front parking lot.  This procedure is designed to ensure smooth traffic flow during peak times.
  • Event Center ParkingThe Event Center parking lot will be reserved exclusively for staff.
Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring a smooth and orderly arrival and departure process. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the main office.

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