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Logan Elm Local School District News Article

2025-2026 Kindergarten and Preschool Enrollment

To enroll in Kindergarten for 2025-2026

A)  Complete the Online Registration:  Logan Elm Schools Registration

B) Call the Enrollment Office (740-477-4445) to schedule a Kindergarten Screening and Enrollment Appointment.      
  • Appointment  will be held in the McDowell Education Center, 9579 Tarlton Road, Circleville.  
  • Appointments will be scheduled for March 27th and March 28th. 

C)  During the Screening and Enrollment appointment,
  • students will be screened in the areas of Language, Concepts, Motor Skills, and Vision & Hearing.  
  • parents will complete the enrollment process and will need to bring the following items
    • Child's Birth Certificate
    • Child's Immunization records
    • Parent's photo ID 
    • Custody documents, if applicable
    • Proof of residency:  
      1. If you own or rent a home in the district, please complete the Residency Verification Form and be sure to bring one item from Category A and one item from Category B as indicated on the form. 
      2. If you are not the homeowner, renter, leasee, or tenant of the property, you must complete the Friend and Family Packet and provide all documentation indicated in the form.  Parent/guaridan must complete page 1 and the homeowner/leasee must complete page 2, including a notarized signature. 
      3. If homeless and eligible to enroll under McKinney-Vento Act, please inform us of your situation during your enrollment appointment

To apply for Preschool for 2025-2026
Visit our Preschool page for information on how to apply for preschool. 

To enroll in Grades 1-12 for 2025-2026
Enrollment for students in grades 1-12 who will be new to Logan Elm Schools will begin in late April.  


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